
CHRO South Africa: Psychological Safety Leads in the Protection Against Burnout

CHRO South Africa recently featured this 2023 data-driven blog post. Find out what about our results piqued their interest, here.

To read the CHRO post, click here. Or to read the original post, click here.  

Summary points: 

Our relationships are important for our mental health and resilience. Strengthening them can help us reduce the effects or likelihood of burnout. Several behaviors in the 'Connectors' domain can deliver this protection and should be cultivated. They include: 

  • Affective empathy (feeling others' emotions),
  • Cognitive empathy (understanding others' thoughts),
  • Empathetic response style (behaving with consideration of others' emotions in teams), and
  • Psychological safety (feeling safe to express opinions without fear of negative consequences).

We found that psychological safety was the biggest predictor of reducing burnout. Read the full post for more details on why that might be the case.  

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